About Us

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Who We Are

DBA Dawn Restoration is a trusted, well-reputed, rapidly-growing company headquartered in New York. We are locally owned, licensed, and insured. As a company operating in the construction industry, we are dedicated to delivering successful building repair and restoration projects with safety, reliability, and excellence.

Our services demonstrate high-quality workmanship and technical prowess that contribute to the increased longevity of your restoration project and reduced overall life-cycle maintenance.

Our focus is to ensure construction jobs are completed with safety and top quality. And this is reinforced through our workplace culture and core values. Our values are a part of our DNA and at the heart of everything we do. They serve as our guiding principles and lay the foundation of our business. These include:

  • Strive for excellence
  • Serve with integrity, transparency, and responsibility
  • Adhere to safety regulations
  • Demonstrate strong work ethics

DBA Dawn Restoration and our employees live by this commitment every day, on every project, and with every client.

What We Do

At DBA Dawn Restoration, we offer a full-scale of top-of-the-line services such as waterproofing, roofing, sidewalk shed, and masonry restoration. All services we provide are delivered with precision and conformance to the highest safety standards.

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How We Do It?